;nasm -dISFAT12 boot.asm -o boot.bin ; ; File: ; boot.asm ; Description: ; DOS-C boot ; ; Copyright (c) 1997; ; Svante Frey ; All Rights Reserved ; ; This file is part of DOS-C. ; ; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version ; 2, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See ; the GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not, ; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, ; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ; ; ; $Log: boot.asm,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2000/05/25 20:56:19 jimtabor ; Fixed project history ; ; Revision 1.2 2000/05/11 03:56:42 jimtabor ; Clean up and Release ; ; Revision 2000/05/06 19:34:53 jhall1 ; The FreeDOS Kernel. A DOS kernel that aims to be 100% compatible with ; MS-DOS. Distributed under the GNU GPL. ; ; Revision 1.12 1999/09/25 06:42:18 jprice ; Optimize boot loader. Documentation. ; ; Revision 1.11 1999/09/24 19:04:55 jprice ; Added changes recommended by Jens Horstmeier ; to make their bootable CD work. ; ; Revision 1.10 1999/09/23 04:39:02 jprice ; *** empty log message *** ; ; Revision 1.7 1999/04/23 03:43:46 jprice ; Ported to NASM by ror4 ; ; Revision 1.6 1999/04/17 19:14:03 jprice ; Fixed multi-sector code ; ; Revision 1.5 1999/04/17 06:23:26 jprice ; Changed so multi-sector IO is optional. ; ; Revision 1.4 1999/04/13 15:52:22 jprice ; Moves boot sector to top of mem ; ; Revision 1.3 1999/04/06 22:53:36 jprice ; Put back code to read multiple sectors at a time. ; ; Revision 1.2 1999/04/01 07:23:20 jprice ; New boot loader ; ; Revision 1999/03/29 15:39:39 jprice ; New version without IPL.SYS ; ; Revision 1.3 1999/03/02 06:57:14 jprice ; Added entry address for more recent versions of TLINK ; ; Revision 1.2 1999/01/21 05:03:58 jprice ; Formating. ; ; Revision 1999/01/20 05:51:00 jprice ; Imported sources ; ; ; Rev 1.5 10 Jan 1997 4:58:06 patv ; Corrected copyright ; ; Rev 1.4 10 Jan 1997 4:52:50 patv ; Re-written to support C drive and eliminate restrictions on IPL.SYS ; ; Rev 1.3 29 Aug 1996 13:06:50 patv ; Bug fixes for v0.91b ; ; Rev 1.2 01 Sep 1995 17:56:44 patv ; First GPL release. ; ; Rev 1.1 30 Jul 1995 20:37:38 patv ; Initialized stack before use. ; ; Rev 1.0 02 Jul 1995 10:57:52 patv ; Initial revision. ; ; +--------+ ; | | ; | | ; |--------| 4000:0000 ; | | ; | FAT | ; | | ; |--------| 2000:0000 ; |BOOT SEC| ; |RELOCATE| ; |--------| 1FE0:0000 ; | | ; | | ; | | ; | | ; |--------| ; |BOOT SEC| ; |ORIGIN | 07C0:0000 ; |--------| ; | | ; | | ; | | ; |--------| ; |KERNEL | ; |LOADED | ; |--------| 0060:0000 ; | | ; +--------+ ;%define ISFAT12 1 ;%define ISFAT16 1 ;%define CALCPARAMS 1 ;%define MULTI_SEC_READ 1 segment .text %define BASE 0x7c00 org BASE Entry: jmp short real_start nop ; bp is initialized to 7c00h %define bsOemName bp+0x03 ; OEM label db "1234567",0 ; name 8 bit %define bsBytesPerSec bp+0x0b ; bytes/sector dw 0x0200 ; 512 byte per sector %define bsSecPerClust bp+0x0d ; sectors/allocation unit db 1 ; 1 sector per allocation unit %define bsResSectors bp+0x0e ; # reserved sectors dw 1 ; %define bsFATs bp+0x10 ; # of fats db 2 ; 2 fats %define bsRootDirEnts bp+0x11 ; # of root dir entries dw 0xe0 ; 0xe0 root-directory entries (0x0e is not OK to reconize by DOS or Linux) %define bsSectors bp+0x13 ; # sectors total in image dw 0xb40 ; 2880 = 18(sectors per track) * 80(track) * 2(side) %define bsMedia bp+0x15 ; media descrip: fd=2side9sec, etc... db 0xf0 ; 1.44M %define sectPerFat bp+0x16 ; # sectors in a fat dw 0x9 ; 9 sectos in a fat %define sectPerTrack bp+0x18 ; # sectors/track dw 0x12 ; 18 sectors/tarck %define nHeads bp+0x1a ; # heads dw 0x2 ; 2 headers %define nHidden bp+0x1c ; # hidden sectors dd 0x0 ; 0 %define nSectorHuge bp+0x20 ; # sectors if > 65536 dd 0x0 ; 0 %define drive bp+0x24 ; drive number db 0x0 ; physical drive number 0 db 0x0 ; reserved byte %define extBoot bp+0x26 ; extended boot signature db 0x29 %define volid bp+0x27 ;0x27-0x2a 32 bit binary volume ID dd 0 %define vollabel bp+0x2b ;0x2b-0x35 11 byte Volume label db "myosmyosos!" %define filesys bp+0x36 ;0x36-0x3d 8 byte Reserved db 0x46 ;F db 0x41 ;A db 0x54 ;T db 0x31 ;1 db 0x32 ;2 times 3 db 0x20 ; --- %define LOADSEG 0x0060 %define FATBUF 0x2000 ; offset of temporary buffer for FAT chain ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- times 0x3E-$+$$ db 0 %define tempbuf bp+0x3E dw LOADSEG %define RootDirSecs bp+0x40 ; # of sectors root dir uses dw 1 %define fat_start bp+0x42 ; first FAT sector dd 1 %define root_dir_start bp+0x46 ; first root directory sector dd 19 %define data_start bp+0x4A ; first data sector dd 33 ; 19+14=33 showal: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;sub print ax start push ax and al,0xf0 shr al,4 CMP AL,0xa jb add30 ;below add al,0x7 add30: add al,0x30 mov ah,0xE int 0x10 pop ax push ax and al,0x0f cmp al,0xa jb add30_ ;below add al,0x7 add30_: add al,0x30 mov ah,0xE int 0x10 pop ax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;sub print ax end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ENTRY ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- real_start: cli ;Addr: 0x7c4e cld ;Addr: 0x7c4f xor ax, ax ;Addr: 0x7c50 mov ss, ax ; initialize stack ;Addr: 0x7c52 mov ds, ax ; ###DS: 0x0 mov bp, 0x7c00 ; 0x7c56 lea sp, [bp-0x20] ; 0x7c59 sti ; 7c5c xor dl, dl int 0x13 ; reset drive ; 7c5d ; int 0x12 ; get memory available in AX ; mov ax, 0x01e0 ; mov cl, 6 ; move boot sector to higher memory ; shl ax, cl ; sub ax, 0x07e0 mov ax, 0x1FE0 ; 7c5f mov es, ax ; ###ES: 0x1FE0, DS: 0x0 mov si, bp ; 7c64 mov di, bp ; 7c66 mov cx, 0x0100 ; 7c68 rep movsw ; Move word at address DS:(E)SI to address ES:(E)DI ;7c6b push es ; 7c6d %%%%return to cs mov bx, cont ; 7c6e push bx ; 7c71 %%%%return to ip retf ; 7c72 cont: ; ### now cs:1fe0, ip: cont ;;;;Show cs ;push ax ;mov ax,cs ;xchg al,ah ;call showal ;pop ax ;jmp $ mov ds, ax ;###DS:0x1FE0, ES:0x1FE0 ; 7c73 mov ss, ax ; 7c75 mov [drive], dl ; BIOS passes drive number in DL ; 7c77 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ADD TEMP ;jmp getchain ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ADD END ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ; call print ; db "Get Driver: ",0 ; push ax ; ; mov al,[drive] ; add al,0x0030 ; ; mov ah,0xE ; int 0x10 ; ; pop ax ;---------------Add by me end ---------------- ;call print ;[print]->0x7d7a 7c7a ;db 13,10,13,10,"Loading FreeDOS...",13,10,"ROOT",0 ;db 13,10,"Loading DOS.",0 ; FINDFILE: Searches for the file in the root directory. ; ; Returns: ; AX = first cluster of file ; Get content from bios to ES:BX ; First, read the whole root directory ; into the temporary buffer. mov ax, word [root_dir_start] ;19 sector, read filename from root sectors ; 7c99 mov dx, word [root_dir_start+2] ; 7c9d mov di, word [RootDirSecs] ;14 ; 7ca0 xor bx, bx ; 7ca3 mov es, [tempbuf] ;###es: 0x0060, ds: 0x1FE0 ; now 0x0060:0000 contains: ; KERNEL SYS ..... ; ......0200 5e20 0000 (start cluster is 0x2) ; ............. call readDisk ;[readDisk]->0x7d8a 7ca8 ;;;Add by me , now see es:bx;;; ; mov cx, 1 ; mov di, 0;0x7c00;//filename ; test1: ; mov ax, [es:di];//ds;//[ds:bx];//[bx] ; inc di ; inc di ; call showal ; xchg ah,al ; call showal ; loop test1 ;;;end;;;;;;;;;;;;;; jc jmp_boot_error ;[jmp_bot_eror]->0x7cfe 7cab xor di, di ; 7cad ; Search for KERNEL.SYS file name, and find start cluster. next_entry: mov cx, 11 ; 7caf mov si, filename ;[filename]->0x7dda 7cb2 ;push ax ;mov ax,di ;call showal ;pop ax repe cmpsb ; 7cd0 ;pop di ; 7cd1 ;mov ax, [es:di+0x1A]; get cluster number from directory entry ; 7cd2 je ffDone ;[ffDone]->7ce3 7cd6 sub si, filename sub di, si add di, 0x20 ; go to next directory entry ; 7cd8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"n 2",13,10,0 ;pop ax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ; push ax ; call print ; db 13,10,"Go to next directory",0 ; pop ax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cmp byte [es:di], 0 ; if the first byte of the name is 0, ; 7cdb jnz next_entry ; there is no more files in the directory ; 7ce1 jc boot_error ; fail if not found ; 7cdf ffDone: sub di, 11 ;sub filename.length mov ax, [es:di+0x1A]; get start cluster number from directory entry push ax ; store start cluster number ;;;;Get Ax begin ;push ax ;mov ax,di ;xchg ah,al ;call showal ;pop ax ;;;;Get Ax end call print db " FAT",0 ;getchain: ; GETFATCHAIN: ; ; Reads the FAT chain and stores it in a temporary buffer in the first ; 64 kb. The FAT chain is stored an array of 16-bit cluster numbers, ; ending with 0. ; ; The file must fit in conventional memory, so it can't be larger than ; 640 kb. The sector size must be at least 512 bytes, so the FAT chain ; can't be larger than around 3 kb. ; ; Call with: AX = first cluster in chain ; and the bios will return data to ES:BX ; Load the complete FAT into memory. The FAT can't be larger ; than 128 kb, so it should fit in the temporary buffer. mov es, [tempbuf] ; ###es->0060, ds=>0x1fe0 xor bx, bx mov di, [sectPerFat] ;9 mov ax, word [fat_start] ;read 9 sectors start from sector 2 mov dx, word [fat_start+2] ;mov di, 2 ;mov ax, word [root_dir_start] ;19 ; 7c99 ;mov dx, word [root_dir_start+2] call readDisk ;now es->0600 ;0600:0000 contains below: ;(contents from sector 2: 0x0200) ; f0ff ff03 f0ff 0000 0000 0000 ;;;Add by me , now see es:bx;;; mov cx, 3 ; read cx character mov di, 0;0x7c00;//filename test1: mov ax, [es:di];//ds;//[ds:bx];//[bx] inc di inc di ;call showal xchg ah,al call showal loop test1 push ax ;print "\r\n" call print db 13,10,0 pop ax ;;;end;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pop ax ; restore start cluster number ;;;;Get Ax begin ;push ax ;mov ax,es ;xchg ah,al ;call showal ;pop ax ;;;;Get Ax end jmp_boot_error: jc boot_error ; Set ES:DI to the temporary storage for the FAT chain. push ds ; ###ds:0x1fe0 1fe0:0000=> 0000 0000 0000 0000 push es ; ###es:0x0060, 0060:0000=> f0ff ff03 f0ff 0000 pop ds ; ###ds->0x0060 pop es ; ###es->0x1FE0 mov di, FATBUF ;0x2000 offset of temporary buffer for FAT chain ;DI use DS as segment register next_clust: ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"n 2",13,10,0 ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;--------------- ;mov ax,0x1fe0 ;push ds ;mov ds,ax ;call print ;[print]->0x7d7a 7c7a ;db 13,10,13,10,"Loading FreeDOS...",13,10,"ROOT",0 ;db 13,10,"Ldg O",0 ;pop ds stosw ; store cluster number ;store AX at address ES:(E)DI; ; 1fe0:2000 will store ax ( the start cluster of KERNEL.SYS) ;;;Show ax ;push ax ;call showal ;eg: 0x02 ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;;end mov si, ax ; SI = cluster number ; SI use DS as segment register %ifdef ISFAT12 ; This is a FAT-12 disk. fat_12: add si, si ; multiply cluster number by 3... add si, ax shr si, 1 ; ...and divide by 2 ; save for cross cluster ; now si has the exact start cluster of KERNEL.SYS ;;;;Get SI begin ;push ax ;mov ax,si ;xchg ah,al ;call showal ;pop ax ;##show 03, si->03 ;jmp $ ;;;;Get SI end lodsw ;Load word at address DS:(E)SI into AX ; DS:SI => 0060:ax*3/2 (if ax=2, will be 0060:0003) ;eg: 0060:0003 ; f0ff ff03 f0ff ; now AX contains the next cluster: 0x03 ;push ax ;push si ;push bx ;call print ;db "abc",0 ;pop bx ;pop si ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;;;Get AX ;push ax ;call showal ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;;;End ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"af",0 ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;---------------Add by me end ------------------ ; If the cluster number was even, the cluster value is now in ; bits 0-11 of AX. If the cluster number was odd, the cluster ; value is in bits 4-15, and must be shifted right 4 bits. If ; the number was odd, CF was set in the last shift instruction. jnc fat_even ;;;;Get AX ;push ax ;call showal ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;;;End ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"not jnc",0 ;pop ax ;---------------Add by me end ------------------ mov cl, 4 shr ax, cl ; shift the cluster number fat_even: ;;;;Get AX ;push ax ;call showal ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;;;End ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"yes jnc",0 ;pop ax ;---------------Add by me end ------------------ and ah, 0x0f ; mask off the highest 4 bits cmp ax, 0x0fff ; check for EOF jb next_clust ; continue if not EOF ;;;;;;;;;;Add me ;jmp $ ;;;;;;;;;; %endif %ifdef ISFAT16 ; This is a FAT-16 disk. The maximal size of a 16-bit FAT ; is 128 kb, so it may not fit within a single 64 kb segment. fat_16: mov dx, [tempbuf] add si, si ; multiply cluster number by two jnc first_half ; if overflow... add dh, 0x10 ; ...add 64 kb to segment value first_half: mov ds, dx ; DS:SI = pointer to next cluster lodsw ; AX = next cluster cmp ax, 0xfff8 ; >= FFF8 = 16-bit EOF jb next_clust ; continue if not EOF %endif finished: ; Mark end of FAT chain with 0, so we have a single ; EOF marker for both FAT-12 and FAT-16 systems. ;;;Show ax ;push ax ;call showal ;eg: 0x02 ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;;end xor ax, ax stosw ; store AX at address es:(e)di; ; 1fe0:2000 will store ax (0x0) ; now 1fe0:2000 will contain: ; low --------> high ; 0200 0300 0000 (kernel.sys file starts at 1st cluster and 2nd cluster) ;;;; show contents at 1fe0:2000 ; mov cx, 5 ; read cx character ; mov di, 0x2000;0x7c00;//filename ; test2: ; mov ax, [es:di];//ds;//[ds:bx];//[bx] ; inc di ; inc di ; call showal ; xchg ah,al ; call showal ; loop test2 ; jmp $ ;;;; push cs ; ####cs->1fe0 pop ds ; ###ds->0x1fe0, es->0x1fe0 ;;;;Show ds ;push ax ;mov ax,cs ;call showal ;pop ax ;jmp $ ;;; call print db " KERNEL",0 ;jmp $ ; loadFile: Loads the file into memory, one cluster at a time. ; load to 0060:0000 mov es, [tempbuf] ; set ES:BX to load address ; ### es->0060, ds->1fe0 ; es:bx -> 0060:0000 xor bx, bx mov si, FATBUF ; set DS:SI to the FAT chain ; ds:si -> 1fe0:2000 ; low -------> high ; 0200 0300 0000 (kernel.sys file starts at 1st cluster and 2nd cluster) cluster_next: lodsw ; AX = next cluster to read ;Load word at address ds:(e)si into AX or ax, ax ; if EOF... je boot_success ; ...boot was successful dec ax ; cluster numbers start with 2 dec ax mov di, word [bsSecPerClust] ; di=1 and di, 0xff ; DI = sectors per cluster mul di add ax, [data_start] ; ax+33 adc dx, [data_start+2] ; DX:AX = first sector to read %if 0 ;;;;Show ds push ax ;mov ax,cs call showal pop ax jmp $ ;;;;; %endif cmp bx, 0 ; is BX += 0x200 , overflow jne callReadDisk cmp ax, 0xa0 ; is AX gread enough jl callReadDisk push ax ; es + 0x1000 -> 0x1060 mov ax, es add ax, 0x1000 mov es, ax pop ax callReadDisk: ;es:bx = destination buffer es:bx -> 0060:0000 call readDisk ;;;;;;;;; ; mov cx, 10 ; read cx character ; mov di, 0x0;0x7c00;//filename ; test3: ; mov ax, [es:di];//ds;//[ds:bx];//[bx] ; inc di ; inc di ; call showal ; xchg ah,al ; call showal ; loop test3 ;jmp $ ;;;;;;;; jnc cluster_next boot_error: call print ;db 13,10,"BOOT error!",13,10,0 db 13,10,"BOT eor!",13,10,0 xor ah,ah int 0x16 ; wait for a key int 0x19 ; reboot the machine boot_success: call print db " GO!",13,10,0 ;jmp $ mov bl, [drive] mov ax, 0xa67 mov ds, ax jmp word LOADSEG:0x6e73 ; prints text after call to this function. print: pop si ; this is the first character xor bx, bx ; video page 0 mov ah, 0x0E ; else print it //TTY character output, al=character,bh=page print1: lodsb ; get token //Load byte at address DS:(E)SI into AL cmp al, 0 ; end of string? je print2 ; if so, exit int 0x10 ; via TTY mode jmp short print1 ; until done print2: push si ; stack up return address ret ; and jump to it ; readDisk: Reads a number of sectors into memory. ; ; Call with: DX:AX = 32-bit DOS sector number ; DI = number of sectors to read ; ES:BX = destination buffer ; ES must be 64k aligned (1000h, 2000h etc). ; ; Returns: CF set on error ; ES:BX points one byte after the last byte read. readDisk: push si read_next: push dx push ax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"In r",0 ;pop ax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ; call print ; db 13,10,"readDisk al: ",0 ; pop ax ; push ax ; xor ah,ah ; mov al,al ; add al,0x0030 ; mov ah,0xE ; int 0x10 ; pop ax ;---------------Add by me end ---------------- ; ; translate sector number to BIOS parameters ; ; ; abs = sector offset in track ; + head * sectPerTrack offset in cylinder ; + track * sectPerTrack * nHeads offset in platter //nHeads=2 ; ; t1 = abs / sectPerTrack (ax has t1) ; sector = abs mod sectPerTrack (cx has sector) ; div word [sectPerTrack] ;sectPerTrack=18 //quotient->AX, remainder->DX mov cx, dx ; remainder->CX CX=sector in which track ; ; t1 = head + track * nHeads ; ; track = t1 / nHeads (ax has track) ; head = t1 mod nHeads (dl has head) ; xor dx, dx ;DX:AX -> 0:AX div word [nHeads] ;nHeads=2 //quotient->AX , remainder->DX ;for now DX=1(header=1), AX=0(track 0), CX=1(sector) inc cl ;CL = start sector (1-80) mov ch,al ;CH = track number mov dh,dl ;DH = header number ( 0 or 1) mov dl,0 ;driver number (0 or 1) mov ax,0x0201 ;ah=02h, al=sectors want to read = 1 int 0x13 ; the following manipulations are necessary in order to ; properly place parameters into registers. ; ch = cylinder number low 8 bits ; cl = 7-6: cylinder high two bits ; 5-0: sector ; mov dh, dl ; save head into dh for bios ; ror ah, 1 ; move track high bits into ; ror ah, 1 ; bits 7-6 (assumes top = 0) ; xchg al, ah ; swap for later ; mov dl, byte [sectPerTrack] ; sub dl, cl ; inc cl ; sector offset from 1 ; or cx, ax ; merge cylinder into sector ; mov al, dl ; al has # of sectors left ; mov ax, 0x0201 ; mov dl, [drive] ; int 0x13 jnc read_ok ; jump if no error xor ah, ah ; else, reset floppy int 0x13 pop ax pop dx ; and... jmp short read_next ; read the same sector again read_ok: ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ;push ax ;call print ;db 13,10,"readO",0 ;db "AB",0 ;pop ax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;push ax ;mov ax,bx ;call showal ;pop ax ;add bx, word [bsBytesPerSec] jnc no_incr_es ; if overflow... ;;;;;;;;Add ;push ax ;mov ax,es ;call showal ;pop ax ;;;;;;;;; mov ax, es add ah, 0x10 ; ...add 1000h to ES mov es, ax no_incr_es: ;---------------Add by me start --------------- ;push ax ;call print ;db "no",0 ;pop ax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pop ax pop dx ; DX:AX = last sector number add ax, 1 adc dx, byte 0 ; DX:AX = next sector to read add bx, 512 dec di ; if there is anything left to read, jnz read_next ; continue clc pop si ret filename db "KERNEL SYS" times 0x01fe-$+$$ db 0 sign dw 0xAA55